
The last day like this went unrecorded. A day when I see really really clearly for a time. People’s faces a long way down the street, not a hint of doubling or shadows or holes. Sometimes I panic and am overwhelmed if I see clearly but today I noticed and enjoyed and got on with what I was doing.

The build up to this, a massage, a lot of anger and tears and sleep.

Yesterday a moment when my toddler didn’t want to go out and I stopped pushing and we had a nice day at home. At the moment of that decision to stay my vision – and eyesight – was clear.

The clarity today didn’t feel so strange, it felt like I inhabited it. I could feel the muscles in my face, my body being different but being me.

It takes stamina, the evening now and I feel my face tight and a bit of blur returned gathering me in its protective blanket.

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